Sunday, October 31

happy halloween

happy halloween
I have had some amazing Halloweens in college and it looks like this year is going to be no exception. Being in London for Halloween has a few perks-- you get to take photos at Platform 9 3/4 is one of them! Last night a few of us dressed up and went out. We never made it to a club/bar/event so I think we're going to try again tonight! It's actually Halloween today so hopefully the fact that it's also Sunday doesn't deter people from dressing up and going out!
happy halloween
I was, ever so creativly, a vampire. I wasn't even sure I was going out until about an hour before (I had just dropped Boyfriend off at the airport and wasn't really in the mood to do anything but mope). Luckily, I had friends to convince me to go out and to provide a cape (from Becky, the footballer) and make up assistance (Ellie, the cupcake).
happy halloween
My roommate Ellie is so creative! She designed and sewed this cupcake costume by hand! Then helped Becky with her hair and me with my make up. I need to try and locate a photo, it was incredible! All purple and black and dramatic!
happy halloween
Carolina "doesn't do Halloween" but she got all fancy and went out with us. We decided she was Catherine Zeta Jones. Hot mama!
happy halloween
I love wandering London. We met some awesome people in awesome costumes. All the Brits we met said that Halloween was catching on here! We met a pack of friendly skeletons (below) and some awesome witches/vampires/steampunk people on the tube.
happy halloween
Kathleen had such a great costume! Her cape was a cardigan-so creative!
happy halloween
The best thing was we figured out what bus to take home! I get nervous when I have to rely on buses (I'm much more confident on the tube) so anytime we get home safe I feel good! We also met an awesome cyborg who took this photo and then chatted with us the entire ride home. It was a welcome distraction from the drunk couple behind me who were having a very loud and dramatic argument. Ahh London in the wee hours of the morning, I could love you!
happy halloween
In case you're interested: here's my post on celebrations last year (I made my costume myself!) and here are some costumes from years prior. I think I've grown. haha.

*All these photos are from Ellie's camera and were taken
by either the ladies or strangers on the street!

1 comment:

Thanks for reading sixbeforebreakfast and taking the time to comment. I read every comment and am so very grateful to have such awesome readers.

Thanks kittens!

Sarah Yvonne