I love blogs because they give you this amazing insight into the lives of people you find interesting. Presumably you find me interesting because here you are, reading this! Let me satisfy that curiosity. My name is Sarah Yvonne. I graduated from university with a degree in History because I am a nerd. I have an ongoing love affair with clothing and the development of personal style. Putting together outfits is one of my favorite things to do. Also, I love photography.
Boyfriend and I have been together for three years now and our favorite things are hiking, geocaching, and drinking lots of wine! I live in a beautiful apartment with a beautiful friend. Boyfriend lives in a townhouse with boys (ew). I have no cats and only a stuffed dog named MasterChief. I spend lots of evenings at the apartment cooking delicious meals and drinking delicious wine. My goal for this next month is to learn to sew. I'm obsessed with thrifting.
My favorite color is the rainbow. My favorite food is everything and most especially chocolate, mac and cheese, and peanut butter. I am 5' 7" and I still wear 4" heels (on the reg) much to Boyfriend's dismay. My perfect outfit is a tutu, a striped tee, a blazer, and leopard heels. My perfect day involves three cups of coffee and a piece of cake.
Comment, enjoy, and feel free to email me at sixbeforebreakfastt [at] gmail [dot] com.
xoxo Me!