The challenge issued by my friend Katie was to dream up 12 ways to wear this dress for 2012. That was way back in January. Instead, I give you eight ways to wear this dress for Valentine's Day. It makes sense if you don't think about it. I probably would have more but the sun set. Oops.

Party Dress: Belt it short and tuck the excess fabric into a weird thing that could be stylish. Throw on super high heels.
Fairy tale: Dress with crinoline worn as skirt with leopard heels. I love how bright this one is!
90s Rock: Wear it as a tunic with my favorite (and oldest) jeans. Add some leopard and Renn Fest horns for added tuffness.
Jump-er Joy!: I couldn't decided if I liked the bottom of the skirt peeking out more than the one without. This is especially fun because Katie was the one who fixed this jumper up for me when I thrifted it.
The Oracle: Yes this is super costume-y but I loved piling on gold jewelry and how ridiculous this dress looks when I let it just hang off me. Also, faux turbans are fun!

Business Appropriate: This blazer was in the closet when I moved in so I assume it was my grandmother. I love that it hides the blouse of the dress and instead I look like I just have a super neon pencil skirt--perfect for a Wednesday at the office ;).
Dance Party Baby: I scooped up this vest at the swap this summer and I love how it makes the sleeve look like baby bishop sleeves. The short skirt and fun sleeves make this a great party dress.
Grand Glamour: A silk jacket, gorgeous under-dress, and wicked high heels equals fun, fun glamour!
Happy Valentine's Day Katie (and friends!)!
Yay! I love the super bright second look (of course lol) and the dress looks great with the leopard heels!