Tuesday, December 21



I love wandering the streets of London. There are so many amazing little alleyways that, were I home in Arlington, I would never go down. However, London's alleys are normally quite safe and actually the normal path for foot traffic. Of course, then there's Queen's Gate Terrace where I lived (I'm gone now so no stalking) was wide and open! Living in South Ken meant the streets were wider and brighter than the rest of London.

Also, I'm hosting a giveaway over here! It closes on Christmas!

*While I travel around London and Paris with my darling parents, I have pre-set some posts to run so that I can show you all my London adventures I have yet to blog about! I'll be back in the New Year.

1 comment:

  1. love the last image!

    I enjoy seeing all your photos from the UK!



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Thanks kittens!

Sarah Yvonne