Wednesday, August 4

Hi There, Ho There

Once upon a time, this guy...
August 4: Hi There, Ho There
and this girl...
August 4: Hi There, Ho There
went out to dinner to celebrate the completion of above mentioned guy's internship. This is an event worth celebrating because A) no more 70 hour work weeks, and B) said guy is officially a college graduate!

Woohoo! Congratulations Boyfriend!
August 4: Hi There, Ho There
We went to Lost Dog Cafe, delicious.
August 4: Hi There, Ho There
Sorry I've been MIA. Less than one month until I leave for London. There is a LOT of shizz to get done. This week I've been working 9-3 and then cleaning my room at home until 9-10 or so. I haven't really lived at home in two+ years, mostly I just deposited stuff in my bedroom. It was messy but it's coming along! I'll be in and out for the next few weeks though. Then I'll be reporting live from London! Eep.

Here's an outfit:
August 4: Hi There, Ho There
And because that pic is hella blurry here's a goofy photo that I enjoy because the sky is the same as my skin:
August 4: Hi There, Ho There
That top belonged to my mom in the 80s. Hot stuff!

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Thanks kittens!

Sarah Yvonne