Thursday, September 9

Of Which I Am Most Proud

This morning I woke up at 8:25 and made it to class at 9:01. I discussed Shakespeare and watched various scenes from Macbeth performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company (on film, of course). At noon I wandered over to Sainsbury's (our local grocery store here in Kensington) to pick up some food. As I walked up the produce aisles I grabbed long string beans, strawberries, raspberries, and corn (all on sale). Then I saw the most beautiful bag of peppers. One red, one orange, one green. Stir fry, I thought. I'll make stir fry.

Upon arriving home, I sat down at my computer to look up how to make stir fry. Turns out, it's easy (according to A skillet (if a wok is unavailable) and some oil, chopped veggies into the pan and a few minutes later- a meal. In our little kitchen (shared with 15 other people) I chopped up my beans, scraped the corn off the cob, diced the red pepper, ripped off some broccoli florets, and cut up a few mini fillets of chicken breast. Into the skillet went olive oil, the chicken, some crushed black peppercorn and garlic, a dash of salt and, a few minutes later, the broccoli and beans followed by the corn and peppers. 10 minutes later, I had stir fry.
The first meal I've ever cooked.
September 9: Of Which I Am Most Proud
September 9: Of Which I Am Most Proud
September 9: Of Which I Am Most Proud
It was delicious. For dessert I had plump, heart shaped raspberries with yogurt and a pinch of brown sugar. Look at me Ma, I'm a cook!
September 9: Of Which I Am Most Proud
post edit: About the title-
I have a silver medal from ice skating. I have been published three times in three different magazines. I have one awards and been on deans list. I have lettered three times. I have a million things to be proud of but this, this ability to cook a simple meal (a skill it took me 21 years to begin to cultivate) makes me prouder than anything I've ever done. I can feed myself and one day I will be able to feed my family. That's beautiful and my favorite thing from London so far.


  1. Cooking your own meal is something to be proud of! Being able to feed yourself is one of the most liberating skills. It really helped me feel independent. And stir frys can cause me trouble because they're so fast that you really need to be on top of your game so props to you for acing it!

  2. This is absolutely lovely. Cooking is such an amazing thing. I remember the first meal I made for my boyfriend and I when I moved out; grilled cheese. I was ecstatic.


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Thanks kittens!

Sarah Yvonne