Monday, May 17

sweet, sweet polka dot

May 10: Back to FallMay 10: Back to Fall
May 10: Back to Fall
The weather was so cold last week! I wore leggings half the days of the week. This outfit was exactly a week ago (wow, behind... I know). I love this skirt from the girl's section at target. It's perfect for belting high up and I want to try it lower as well. I'm becoming concerned that most of my go-to skirts from winter may be too short for me to comfortably wear without tights. It may be that I'm just so unaccustomed to bear legs that everything seems to short but I'm not sure yet... I debated between a black belt and this one; in the end I decided the pop of blue would be a nice change from the gray/black of the outfit.

sweater: susina
shirt: unknown
necklace: kdioko vintage
skirt: target
leggings: hue from target
boots: hand-me-downs


  1. That skirt is perfect. Love the way it flares out

  2. That skirt is amazing...I might have to search for a similar one.

  3. Everything is perfect about this outfit :)


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Thanks kittens!

Sarah Yvonne