Hello readers... if there are readers besides my mom and grandmother (hi you two, too!),
I am at a point where I don't know what I want to blog about. I need your (if there is a your) help. Or maybe I just need to write it out so that I can figure it out on my own.
I started this blog because I was bored and I wanted a place to put things that interest me. Then I became more interested in the fashion-side of the internet (wardrobe-remix, chictopia).
Last semester when my depression got the best of me I began to post mostly outfit related posts. I didn't have the energy or excitement needed to write a lot of personal things. I didn't feel creative.
Now, I don't know where I want to go with this blog. I love clothing and I love taking outfit photos with Boyfriend but I feel unqualified to post outfit photos everyday. I don't know if I want to have only a "fashion blog." (Somewhat cynically, I feel like I'd get more readers if I did a pure fashion blog as opposed to a personal blog).
I don't want to stop posting about my life at college, especially since this semester is bound to be an exciting one. In my mind I'm trying to meld the two together--fashion and personal blog as one??
Also, I like to write and I want to get feed back on things I write. Although, I am taking a creative writing course so I will get feedback there...
I guess what I'm asking is... what do you (if there is a you) come here to see?
Please email me at sixbeforebreakfastt at gmail dot com.
Well, to meld the idea of a fashion and personal blog you could do some posts relating to how the outfits made you feel during the day, how your mood inspired the outfit, etc. Basically I just like reading your blog because its always fun and brightens my day. :)