(coat: gift; everything else: thrifted; this outfit wwas under $13!!!)

Excuse the funny faces I'm making, the sun was in my eyes everywhere I looked. Let me start by saying: I love this coat. Oh, and the lace on this shirt makes me giddy with glee. Did you check out my high-waist pants? They are so super snazzy. The only thing I'm less than zomgsquee about are these boots because they are not super comfortable. I did love being almost as tall as Boyfriend; key word almost, he's a giant :). I wore this get-up to the Kennedy Center to see The Nutcracker with Boyfriend yesterday. I see the ballet every year at the beginning of the Christmas season. It really kicks off my festive spirit! I had the best time ever with Boyfriend; even if it was one of my least favorite performances of The Nutcracker. When you've seen it as many times as I have you are bound to be picky.
I've reached my limit on bandwidth for flickr (gah. I may have to upload to premium.) so these photos are smaller:

We matched! Unintentionally. :D

I love the view; both outside and in!

Excuse the funny faces I'm making, the sun was in my eyes everywhere I looked. Let me start by saying: I love this coat. Oh, and the lace on this shirt makes me giddy with glee. Did you check out my high-waist pants? They are so super snazzy. The only thing I'm less than zomgsquee about are these boots because they are not super comfortable. I did love being almost as tall as Boyfriend; key word almost, he's a giant :). I wore this get-up to the Kennedy Center to see The Nutcracker with Boyfriend yesterday. I see the ballet every year at the beginning of the Christmas season. It really kicks off my festive spirit! I had the best time ever with Boyfriend; even if it was one of my least favorite performances of The Nutcracker. When you've seen it as many times as I have you are bound to be picky.
I've reached my limit on bandwidth for flickr (gah. I may have to upload to premium.) so these photos are smaller:

We matched! Unintentionally. :D

I love the view; both outside and in!

Omigod, totally loving the chunky fur with the delicate lace! Great look for a show!